VoIP For Remote Teams

Empowering Remote Collaboration with VoIP: Strategies for Teams

VoIP services are known for connecting people from different continents. The effectiveness of a technology depends on the strategies you choose. There are many advantages to VoIP for remote teams over traditional services. For instance, traditional phone systems just require a dedicated team to be present every time. Whereas modern telecommunications doesn’t require you to be next to your phone,. It works on any phone with an internet facility. You can hire a team that can work remotely. With the right remote working strategy, you can easily scale up your business without indulging in complexity. Moreover, cost reduction has always been a priority for businesses like call centers. All such businesses have been working tirelessly to increase customer interactions. This is only possible by empowering your team to work from anywhere. VoIP for remote teams is the solution to look at.

How is VoIP for remote teams facilitating businesses?

In recent years, the traditional workplace has changed significantly. Most employees find it boring and difficult to sit in offices all day. In addition, traditional workspaces require management and employees to work in the same way. Both have to sit all day. Thanks to modern remote working tactics, this is no longer necessary. Business leaders can work from home with even greater efficiency and productivity. Fortunately, VoIP solutions for distributed teams have proven to be very flexible and reliable options, especially in remote working conditions. Here’s how modern telecom services have helped companies take their business to the next level.


Do you know the biggest benefit of VoIP? The telecommunications technology allows businesses to improve remote collaboration with VoIP.  It doesn’t matter from where a customer is trying to reach your customer service; a VoIP service provider like Contactivity is always available to help you. The modern communication service allows your customers to respond to calls at any time. Whereas the traditional phone system doesn’t allow this, as it requires a dedicated person to sit by a phone.

Unified Communication:

One of the great benefits of remote work is that it allows companies to make and receive calls all under one roof. It provides a single platform for customer service representatives to easily respond. In addition, modern communications allow team members to work as a team.

Flexibility and Scalability

Over time, business needs expand. For example, call center businesses grow over time as you need to cover more businesses. To meet the increasing demands, it becomes necessary for businesses to integrate more services. Most of the time, telecommunication services are not able to meet such requirements. A VoIP service provider like Contactivity is scalable and flexible enough to meet the growing demands.


Unlike the traditional phone system, modern telecommunication services are secure. In addition, the service maintains the highest standards of cybersecurity practices to keep cybercriminals out. As you all know, technology is always vulnerable to cyberattacks. VoIP is better than other means of telecommunication in terms of security and safety.

How to Optimize Your VoIP Network:?

Optimizing the modern telecommunications system is indeed one of the VoIP best practices for remote work. However, it may seem confusing at first, but it’s quite simple. Here in this section, we’ll explain simple steps to optimize your VoIP network.

Examine Your Internet Connection:

Optimization isn’t about hardcore programming or backend development. It’s also not about customizing your complex business systems. That’s why you need to know things before you optimize. Besides, you won’t be able to fix anything if you don’t know about it. One of the most common remote VoIP communication essentials is to perform a VoIP quality test. This will help you know if your Internet connection can support the features of a VoIP phone service provider. In most cases, you’ll need to increase your Internet bandwidth, but in the case of contactivity, this is not a necessity. When evaluating your Internet connection, there are a few things you should keep in mind, including jitter, packet loss, and latency.

Know Your Network Traffic:

After analyzing your Internet connection, it’s time to understand the network traffic. There are a few features, like multiple call termination, call volume, and call type, that come into play. All these features are directly proportional to the call quality on your VoIP network. Let me clarify for you: the bandwidth consumed by a single user for making calls is quite different from that of 20 users. Obviously, calls from 20 users will certainly put a lot of pressure on your network. You can check the quality and speed tests by checking the upload and download speeds. Here is what you can expect:

  • 1 call at 500 Kbps bandwidth at a time.
  • 2 concurrent calls at 1 Mbps at a time.
  • 11 concurrent calls at 5 Mbps at a time.
  • 2 concurrent calls at 10 Mbps at a time.

Keeping all of this in mind, the more you increase the bandwidth, the easier it’ll be for you to manage traffic and business.

Evaluate the services of a VoIP phone service provider:

It’s a must-know fact that not all VoIP service providers are created equal. This step is very crucial, as your business reputation depends on it. To help you make the right decision, we’re here to help. You can take a look at Contactivity, a reliable and secure VoIP for remote teams. With this service in your tool list, you can acquire a virtual phone number and a good toll-free number so that your customers can easily reach you anytime.

Equip Yourself With New Hardware:

VoIP is a modern technology that requires new hardware to be used effectively. These cloud and digital technologies require high-definition hardware to work perfectly. Moreover, if you’re using outdated hardware components, then you should be prepared for a poor-quality call experience. For example, you need a good-quality router to use such services. Other than this, check headsets, cabling, microphones, handsets, etc. All of these components play an important role in making business calls to your customers. Therefore, timely replacement makes sure that your business operations remain uninterrupted.

We’re Waiting To Help You

Get in touch with us today and let’s start transforming your business from the ground up.