VoIP Security: Essential Practices for Securing Your Communications

Owning a call centre has never been easy. You’ve got to juggle it all. From administrative control to telecommunication services, everything has to be under your control. After that, protecting the company’s sensitive information must be a top priority, especially when you’re using VoIP. On one hand, VoIP has made things easier for businesses, but on the other hand, it brings in more risks. All because of modern cybersecurity vulnerabilities. Furthermore, there’s always a risk involved when you have a huge setup to take care of. Nowadays, companies are implementing VoIP security best practices to prevent any risks. All these practices have helped companies get out of all the difficulties. Following this, contactivity is also playing a vital role in ensuring that all call operations are smooth. Before we dig deep into further details, let’s find out why VoIP security should be a matter of concern for us.

Why is VoIP security a concern for businesses?

Like any technology, VoIP is vulnerable. Data thieves are looking for black spots to exploit. The main concern is that hackers can gain access to your organisation’s communications data. After all, data is the backbone of a business. If you lose that, you lose business. Therefore, using a secure VoIP system like Contactivity is a necessity for modern businesses. The use of secure VoIP communication guidelines allows Contactivity to take care of its customers’ businesses.

According to reports, the telecommunications industry could reach $183.7 billion by 2027. Yes, it’s worth it. With such a huge turnover every year, a secure and reliable VoIP provider like Contactivity is a must.

What are the potential risks?

Cybercriminals and hackers are always looking for a target to exploit. You’re sure to be on a hit list if you haven’t yet implemented the best VoIP security protocols. To escape cyberattacks, you’ve got one place to look: contactivity. The biggest attack that can come to you is the DDoS attack. DDoS is a distributed denial-of-service attack in which massive Internet traffic is diverted to a specific VoIP system. As a result, the target systems get slow, and hackers steal sensitive information to demand a huge ransom.

Apart from this, malware is another threat to consider. Your business will be in trouble if you don’t have a proper VoIP protection system in place. Moreover, there are phishing calls or robocalls that can cause great damage. You may end up with empty pockets, empty bank accounts, and torn privacy.

VoIP Security Best Practices: You Don’t Know!

Businesses are insecure if they don’t have a foolproof security plan with them. Similarly, the telecommunications business needs additional security to deal with external threats. Most companies hire a full-time cyber security expert to deal with security challenges, while some don’t have enough budget for it. For them, contactivity can be a helpful resource. Our systems are secure and don’t leave any space for intrusion. We give ample time to businesses to develop them rather than thinking about cyber security measures. Moreover, cyber hackers can’t take hold of vulnerable spots as secure and reliable cyber security is always in place.

Use VoIP data encryption techniques:

Have you ever heard of eavesdropping? It is more of an informal saying that walls have ears too. To be more precise, it’s an act of secretly listening to other people’s conversations. In the telecommunications industry, it is one of the most popular risks. Cybercriminals use this approach to listen to your calls and audio data without your consent. It doesn’t end here; they also get access to more sensitive information, such as login credentials, call sources, and bank details of your customers. In addition, the hostile agents can even manipulate your live call by sending countless data packets to slow down the call transmission. In all such scenarios, there is no “where to go” type of situation for businesses. To keep everything smooth and stable, Contactivity uses reliable VoIP encryption techniques to keep your data safe and secure.

Choose a secure and reliable VoIP provider.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. This adage applies to everything. You can prevent a certain problem by taking precautions. It is necessary for businesses to consider several options before choosing a telecom service provider. The most important thing to consider is security and reliability. Before you start making calls, it’s better to check all security measures. You can do this by asking your VoIP service provider if they’ve added a security measure to combat cyberattacks. If you can’t find one for your business, Contactivity is here to help.

Use firewalls:

As mentioned above, the most common threat to telecommunications is a DDoS attack. These types of attacks are frequent and highly damaging. Overall, these attacks result in huge business losses. To combat them, organisations need to implement a zero-day firewall that can detect all vulnerabilities in time. The benefit of implementing a firewall is that it increases uptime, stable connectivity, low latency, and increased capacity. To support this, you need to purchase additional bandwidth to support more traffic. With this, you’ll get extra time to resolve issues before your system goes offline. Firewall installation is among the advanced VoIP security solutions that more and more businesses are attracted to.

Don’t use public Wi-Fi with VoIP devices.

Most of us have literally zero information about the risks and threats posed by public Wi-Fi. Nothing is free in this world. So, why do you think you’re using free Wi-Fi? You’re just exchanging your valuable data and information for the Internet. There is a high risk of eavesdropping or real-time data exploitation. Therefore, it is necessary for you to train your employees to use private Wi-Fi or VPN while using VoIP for business.

Update VoIP software and passwords on a regular basis.

Developers release updates frequently to close the loopholes before someone else exploits them. So whenever an update appears on your phone or software, don’t waste any time updating it. The first step is to update your software, and the second is to use complex passwords. In addition, passwords need to be renewed or updated to ensure that your system remains secure in the event of a data breach. This practice is among the top VoIP security best practices that are very common and popular. You can use specific tools for remote device management and password management.

How can Contactivity help with modern VoIP security?

Contactivity has proven to be a reliable and secure telecommunication service for businesses around the world. The communication lines are encrypted to prevent any mishaps during call transmission service. We use the best VoIP cybersecurity strategies to safeguard the interests of our customers. Almost all top-notch security protocols are followed to ensure better service delivery.

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